In keeping with the spirit of participatory education expressed in Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (‘‘the right to express an opinion and to have that opinion taken into account in any matter that affects them’’), Assumption Grammar School has an active Student Council.


Its function is:

  • to provide a forum for pupils’ voices to be heard in matters pertaining to school life
  • to assist and liaise with staff in matters relating to the well-being of pupils.


The Council consists of the Head Girl or Deputy Head Girl, the Head Girl of the Junior, Middle and Senior School and representatives from Years 9-14 who obtain their positions through a process of nomination and election.

A girl may only sit on the School Council for two consecutive years.

Monthly meetings are held to discuss issues raised by students and / or staff. Two members of the Senior Leadership Team attend each meeting. A summary of the issues raised is presented by Council representatives at Year Assemblies.

Issues which have been brought to the attention of the School Council include canteen provision, study facilities, uniform, buses, litter, provision of lockers and internal examinations.


School Leadership

School Leadership Representatives 2023

 Year 8B - Ella Forristal
 Year 9 - Zoe McBride
 Year 10 - Eily Hanna
 Year 11 - Beth Corbet
 Year 12 - Anna Murphy
 Year 13 - Shenna McElroy
 Year 14 - Head Girl Team Representatives


school council 2023